Design Thinking Approach for User Interface Design and User Experience on Campus Academic Information Systems
Abstract—Currently, an academic system with structured data is needed for all lecture institutions, especially universities in Indonesia, Siliwangi University, with its academic system, namely the Campus Academic Information System (SIMAK). Over time, complaints from the visual aspect and user experience that did not keep up with the times became a new problem for SIMAK with student access rights. Therefore, the UI/UX aspect in developing an application is vital in accessing the available features. In this study, the method applied is Design Thinking to develop SIMAK WEB and SIMAK MOBILE application designs according to the data and input obtained from users. The research stages include Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. The final result is user testing from expert users with ten examiners, each producing a success rate percentage of 100% for SIMAK WEB and a percentage of 90% for SIMAK MOBILE. In addition, the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) assessment from the same expert user plus end-users of 39 respondents and 33 respondents for web and mobile respectively increased 6 UEQ scales, namely Attractiveness, Clarity, Efficiency, Accuracy, Stimulation and lastly especially Novelty which has an increase of 5.286 and 5.264 from the initial value of -0.880. The Novelty scale is the only scale with a negative impression initially and was successfully evaluated in this study with a good score. The implication for further research is that an in-depth study and application of unique methods regarding the conversion of designs into prototype form is necessary so that coding can run smoothly.Â
Keywords— Design Thinking, Campus Academic System, User Experience, User Experience Questionnaire, User Interface
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