Distributed Aerial Image Stitching on Multiple Processors using Message Passing Interface
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.1.1890
This study investigates the potential of using Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallelization to enhance the speed of the image stitching process. The image stitching process involves combining multiple images to create a seamless panoramic view. This research explores the potential benefits of segmenting photos into distributed tasks among several identical processor nodes to expedite the stitching process. However, it is crucial to consider that increasing the number of nodes may introduce a trade-off between the speed and quality of the stitching process. The initial experiments were conducted without MPI, resulting in a stitching time of 1506.63 seconds. Subsequently, the researchers employed MPI parallelization on two computer nodes, which reduced the stitching time to 624 seconds. Further improvement was observed when four computer nodes were used, resulting in a stitching time of 346.8 seconds. These findings highlight the potential benefits of MPI parallelization for image stitching tasks. The reduced stitching time achieved through parallelization demonstrates the ability to accelerate the overall stitching process. However, it is essential to carefully consider the trade-off between speed and quality when determining the optimal number of nodes to employ. By effectively distributing the workload across multiple nodes, researchers and practitioners can take advantage of the parallel processing capabilities offered by MPI to expedite image stitching tasks. Future studies could explore additional optimization techniques and evaluate the impact on speed and quality to achieve an optimal balance in real-world applications.
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