Salt and Pepper Noise: Effects and Removal

Jamil Azzeh - Al- Balqa Applied University (BAU), Jordan
Bilal Zahran - Al- Balqa Applied University (BAU), Jordan
Ziad Alqadi - Al- Balqa Applied University (BAU), Jordan

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Noises degrade image quality which causes information losing and unsatisfying visual effects. Salt and Pepper noise is one of the most popular noises that affect image quality. In RGB color image Salt and pepper noise changes the number of occurrences of colors combination depending on the noise ratio. Many methods have been proposed to eliminate Salt and Pepper noise from color image with minimum loss of information. In this paper we will investigate the effects of adding salt and pepper noise to RGB color image, the experimental noise ratio will be calculated and the color combination with maximum and minimum numbers of occurrence will be calculated and detected in RGB color image. In addition this paper proposed a methodology of salt and pepper noise elimination for color images using median filter providing the reconstruction of an image in order to accept result with minimum loss of information. The proposed methodology is to be implemented, tested and experimental results will be analyzed using the calculated values of RMSE and PSNR.

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