The Effect of Layer Batch Normalization and Droupout of CNN model Performance on Facial Expression Classification
One of the implementations of face recognition is facial expression recognition in which a machine can recognize facial expression patterns from the observed data. This study used two models of convolutional neural network, model A and model B. The first model A was without batch normalization and dropout layers, while the second model B used batch normalization and dropout layers. It used an arrangement of 4 layer models with activation of ReLU and Softmax layers as well as 2 fully connected layers for 5 different classes of facial expressions of angry, happy, normal, sad, and shock faces. Research Metodology are 1). Data Analysis, 2). Preprocessing grayscaling, 3). Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), 4). Model validation Testing, Obtained an accuracy of 64.8% for training data and accuracy of 63.3% for validation data. The use of dropout layers and batch normalization could maintain the stability of both training data and validation data so that there was no overfitting. By dividing the batch size on the training data into 50% with 200 iterations, aiming to make the load on each training model lighter, by using the learning rate to be 0.001 which works to improve the weight value, thus making the training model work to be fast without crossing the minimum error limit. Accuracy results in the classification of ekp facial receipts from the distance of the camera to the face object about 30 cm in the room with the use of bright enough lighting by 78%.
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