Application of ARIMA Kalman Filter with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Fuzzy Logic to Improve Indoor Air Quality Index Estimation
Air quality monitoring is a process that determines the number of pollutants in the air, one of which is indoor air quality. The Fuzzy Indoor Air Quality Index was developed in this research. It is a method for determining the indoor air quality index using sensor fusion and fuzzy logic. By combining several different time series determinants of air quality, a fuzzy logic-based sensor fusion method is used to build a knowledge base about indoor air quality levels. Without the use of complicated calculation models, fuzzy logic-based fusion will make it easier to determine indoor air quality levels based on various sensor parameters. The input for fuzzy-based data fusion is obtained from the ARIMA method with Kalman Filter's air quality parameter values estimation. The application of ARIMA with a Kalman Filter was used to improve the accuracy of indoor air quality estimation in this study. ARIMA(3,1,3) had a MAPE of 0.1 percent on the CO2 dataset, and ARIMA(1,0,1) had a MAPE of 0.63 percent on the TVOC dataset based on approximately three experimental days. ARIMA (3,1,3) estimation with a Kalman Filter results in a MAPE of 0.03 percent for the CO2 dataset and a MAPE of 0.24 percent for ARIMA(1,0,1) Kalman Filter estimation on TVOC dataset. As a result, the Fuzzy Indoor Air Quality Index (FIAQI) developed in this research reasonably estimates indoor air quality. This can be seen by examining the percentage of estimation errors obtained from the experiment.
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