Combining Deep Learning Models for Enhancing the Detection of Botnet Attacks in Multiple Sensors Internet of Things Networks
Distributed-Denial-of-Service impacts are undeniably significant, and because of the development of IoT devices, they are expected to continue to rise in the future. Even though many solutions have been developed to identify and prevent this assault, which is mainly targeted at IoT devices, the danger continues to exist and is now larger than ever. It is common practice to launch denial of service attacks in order to prevent legitimate requests from being completed. This is accomplished by swamping the targeted machines or resources with false requests in an attempt to overpower systems and prevent many or all legitimate requests from being completed. There have been many efforts to use machine learning to tackle puzzle-like middle-box problems and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) problems in the last few years. The modern botnets are so sophisticated that they may evolve daily, as in the case of the Mirai botnet, for example. This research presents a deep learning method based on a real-world dataset gathered by infecting nine Internet of Things devices with two of the most destructive DDoS botnets, Mirai and Bashlite, and then analyzing the results. This paper proposes the BiLSTM-CNN model that combines Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This model employs CNN for data processing and feature optimization, and the BiLSTM is used for classification. This model is evaluated by comparing its results with three standard deep learning models of CNN, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM–RNN). There is a huge need for more realistic datasets to fully test such models' capabilities, and where N-BaIoT comes, it also includes multi-device IoT data. The N-BaIoT dataset contains DDoS attacks with the two of the most used types of botnets: Bashlite and Mirai. The 10-fold cross-validation technique tests the four models. The obtained results show that the BiLSTM-CNN outperforms all other individual classifiers in every aspect in which it achieves an accuracy of 89.79% and an error rate of 0.1546 with a very high precision of 93.92% with an f1-score and recall of 85.73% and 89.11%, respectively. The RNN achieves the highest accuracy among the three individual models, with an accuracy of 89.77%, followed by LSTM, which achieves the second-highest accuracy of 89.71%. CNN, on the other hand, achieves the lowest accuracy among all classifiers of 89.50%.
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