Implementation of an Integrated Online Class Model using Open-Source Technology and SNS

Won Ho - Div. of Electrical, electronics, and control Eng., Kongju National Univ., 56 Gongjudaehak-ro, Gongju, 31080, South Korea
Dae-Hyun Lee - Intube, Seongsui-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04781, South Korea
Yong Kim - Department of e-learning, Graduate School, Korea National Open Univ., 86 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03087, South Korea

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Before Covid-19, the class model was divided into online, offline, and blended learning. Due to Covid-19, we have the only online class environment. We need a new online class model under the new circumstances. In the new model, all technology and educational methods need to be well-adapted, organized and harmonized to compensate for the absence of offline learning sessions. In this paper, we propose a new online class model. Because of the absence of offline sessions, the model emphasizes the integration of synchronous and asynchronous activities seamlessly and effectively. The model also emphasizes the instructor's role as a content prosumer because the instructor in the new model is either reusing other's and the one's own contents or supplying those contents for others. This model uses open-source solutions or free services like Moodle, OBS, Tubestory, and Snap Camera for both budget-saving and stability purposes. It actively uses Moodle's monitoring capability and adopts various learning technologies. It consists of three activity sessions: a pre-Zoom session, a Zoom session, and a post-Zoom session. Each session is composed of modules that describe the process and action for the class. The process, methods, and techniques for each module are explained in this paper. The official students survey for class evaluation held by Kongju national university showed that the new class model's application obtained a higher score than the same class of the previous year that is performed by conventional teaching.


Synchronous learning; asynchronous learning; Moodle; class model; Zoom.

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