The Rewardable Persuasive Model: A Mobile Exergame Conceptual Design Model that Facilitates Youths to Exercise through Mobile Gaming

Hasdina Lynn Hashim - Faculty of Computer Science and IT, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Azrina Kamaruddin - Faculty of Computer Science and IT, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Azrul Hazri Jantan - Faculty of Computer Science and IT, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Puteri Suhaiza Sulaiman - Faculty of Computer Science and IT, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

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This study seeks to assess current design models to propose a conceptual design model for a mobile exergame that promotes physical activity among youths. Encouraging youths to engage in physical activity rather than remaining sedentary is essential due to the numerous health benefits associated with regular exercise. Exercise is a subset of physical activity structured for fitness. Exergames have the potential to inspire youths to be active by combining exercise and gaming engagingly and enjoyably. The proliferation of mobile gaming has further broadened the availability and accessibility of exergames. In this study, we conducted four stages of information gathering to assess and propose a mobile exergame conceptual design model: a literature review, a user survey, expert reviews, and in-depth user interviews. Based on the study's findings, we identified appropriate components and their rationale by adapting an existing design model to our conceptual design model for a mobile exergame. This conceptual design model is called the Rewardable Persuasive Model (RPM). This model aims to help youths achieve their weekly physical activity targets using an engaging and functional mobile application (app). The app incentivizes exercise by integrating it as a key element for unlocking gameplay. With the introduction of these components, an exergame can be designed to engage youths and facilitate physical activity effectively. In a future study, youths will use an app to assess the RPM's effectiveness over time. This assessment will ascertain its appropriateness for facilitating exercise during inactivity.


Design model; mobile exergames; mobile gaming; persuasive; rewardable

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