Liquefaction Potential Map based on Coordinates in Padang City with Google Maps Integration
Abstract— Padang City is prone to liquefaction phenomena due to earthquakes. These phenomena can cause various damages to structures, infrastructures, and even can also cause deaths. Therefore, as one of the urban populated cities, the information about liquefaction potential is needed. One of them is by providing a liquefaction potential map, which is useful for mitigation and seismic disaster risks strategies. This article aims to provide a digital map of liquefaction potential in Padang City that integrates with Google Maps. The map is based on 40 coordinates in 7 subdistricts in the city with 3 colored markers that represent the levels of potential liquefaction i.e. no liquefaction level, moderate liquefaction level, and severe liquefaction level. The levels are classified based on the analysis of the secondary Cone Penetration Test data by using the calculation of the Factor of Safety and Liquefaction Potential Index with an earthquake assumption of 8 SR. The result shows that the map has ben able to display information about liquefaction potential, where 32.05% coordinates are classified as no liquefaction level with the highest percentage are in Kuranji, 22.5% are classified as moderate liquefaction level with the highest percentage are in Padang Utara, and 45.0% are classified as severe liquefaction level with the highest percentage are in Koto Tangah.
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