Modified Alexnet Architecture for Classification of Cassava Based on Leaf Images
The objective of this study is to address the drawbacks of conventional classification approaches through the implementation of deep learning, specifically a modified AlexNet. The primary aim of this study is to precisely categorize the four distinct varieties of cassava, namely Manggu, Gajah, Beracun, and Kapok. The cassava dataset was obtained from farmers in Lamongan, Indonesia, and was used as a source of information. Data collection on cassava leaves was carried out with agricultural research specialists. A total of 1,400 images are included in the dataset, with 350 images corresponding to each variety of cassava produced. The central focus of this research lies in a comprehensive evaluation of the modified AlexNet architecture's performance compared to the original AlexNet architecture for cassava classification. Multiple scenarios were examined, involving diverse combinations of learning rates and epochs, to thoroughly assess the robustness and adaptability of the proposed approach. Among the evaluation criteria that were rigorously examined were accuracy, recall, F1 score, and precision. These metrics were used to determine the predictive capabilities of the model as well as its potential utilization in the actual world. The results show that the modified AlexNet design has better performance than the original AlexNet for recall, accuracy, precision, and F-1 score, all achieving a rate of 87%. In situations where a learning rate of 0.0001 and an epoch count of 150 are utilized, the performance of the approach stands out significantly, displaying an excellent level of competency. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that distinct fluctuations in performance were noted within particular contexts and with diverse learning rates.
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