Developing and Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for Music Recommendation
The increasing prevalence of song skipping in music streaming applications negatively impacts user satisfaction and subscription retention. Dissatisfaction often arises when users encounter songs they actively dislike, highlighting a gap between user expectations and the value offered by these services. To address this, music recommendation algorithms were researched and developed. Initially, data collection is started. Data collection is through the Spotify application programming interface. This initiation step sets the stage for subsequent exploratory data analysis. Exploratory data analysis examined the collected data to plot a bar chart for total songs released over the years, plot a bar chart for the popularity of songs based on the year it is released, visualize word cloud on frequently mentioned music genres, chart count plot for explicit songs, and chart count plot for song modalities. Data preprocessing involved cleaning the data, handling missing values, and checking for null values to prepare the application of machine learning algorithms. Four machine learning algorithms were applied, k-means, mini-batch k-means, Gaussian mixture, and density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), to analyze musical features like rhythm, tempo, and other relevant music attributes. The results showed that the k-means outperforms all other algorithms evaluated regarding recommendation quality, as measured by the Calinski-Harabasz score. Based on the evaluation, the best machine learning will then be applied to identify similarities between songs and be used to generate music recommendation results.
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