Optimizing Smart Power Grid Stability Based on the Prediction of a Deep Learning Model
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.2.2758
A smart grid is an electricity transmission system that uses digital technology to control getting and dispatching electricity from all generation sources to satisfy end users' fluctuating electricity demands. It achieves this through deploying technologies such as technology and smart grids, which are pivotal in increasing the power supply's efficiency, reliability, and sustainability to the public. Decentralized Smart Grid Control (DSGC) is a system where the control and decision-making functions are distributed to different grid points instead of in one central place. This paradigm is critical for the fault resistance and efficiency of the grid because it enables the local regions to carry on by themselves, manage electric power flows, respond to changes, and integrate many kinds of energy sources successfully. The grid frequency is monitored via the DSGC to ensure dynamic grid stability estimation. All parties, from users to energy producers, may take advantage of the price of power tied to grid frequency. The DSGC, a vital component of this research, gathered information about clients' consumption and used several assumptions to predict the behavior of the consumers. It establishes a method to assess against current supply circumstances and the resultant recommended pricing information. This research proposes a long short-term memory (LSTM) model to analyze data gathered regarding smart grid characteristics and predict grid stability. The results show a strong capacity for the LSTM model, achieving an accuracy of 96.73% with a loss of just 7.44%. The model also achieves a precision of 96.70%, recall of 98.18%, and F1-score of 97.43%.
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