Achieving Lightweight Verifiable Privacy Preserving Search Over Encrypted Data
When cloud clients outsource their database to the cloud, they entrust management operations to a cloud service provider who is expected to answer the client’s queries on the cloud where database is located. Efficient techniques can ensure critical requirements for outsourced data’s integrity and authenticity. A lightweight privacy preserving verifiable scheme for outsourcingdatabase securely is proposed, our scheme encrypts data before outsourcing and returned query results are verified with parameters of correctness and completeness. Our scheme is projected on lightweight homomorphic encryption technique and bloom filter which are efficiently authenticated to guarantee the outsourced database’s integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality. An ordering challenge technique is proposed for verifying top-k query results. We conclude by detailing our analysis of security proofs, privacy, verifiability and the performance efficiency of our scheme. Our proposed scheme’s proof and evaluation analysis show its security and efficiency for practical deployment. We also evaluate our scheme’s performances over two UCI data sets.
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