Attributes Classification for Elaborating the Information of Digital and Imaging Mapping

Riki Mukhaiyar - Universitas Negeri Padang, Professor HAMKA Street, Padang, 25171, Indonesia
Utriweni Mukhaiyar - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia

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The rapid development of information has made it possible for everyone to obtain the latest information, complete and accurate, in real time, anytime, anywhere, all over the world. Any information is fine catching up by updated with the latest news and even detailed information on local conditions. With the same analogy, detailed information regarding land utilization, land containing, landscape provision, earth surface contour, etc., are required to inform and elaborate any appropriate decision needed. The Geographic information systems (GIS) is a recent technology commonly used by research in earth science to facilitate many layered detail information by one way to get up-to-date, detailed information. In this research, the GIS utilizes several types of imaging data such remote sensing images and digitize images. As the name suggests, this system captures detailed geographic information about a location or region. By inputting classified images of remote sensing results into a GIS database at regular intervals (adjusted as necessary, such as every year, every two years, every three years, etc.), the number of information sources that can be obtained increases. There are several reasons for that. First, remote sensing images are images that cover the entire surface of the Earth. Next, remote sensing images are images that contain information about the state of the earth's surface. Third, a variety of information can be obtained by performing appropriate image processing. Furthermore, this research could be elaborated by implementing an artificial intelligent algorithm to create a robust outcome.


classification; image processing; imaging mapping; digital mapping

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