Drone Kit-Python for Autonomous Quadcopter Navigation
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.3.2301
Using Python scripts over the MAVLink protocol, developers can use the open-source DroneKit Python software framework to enable autonomous drone operations. This framework provides excellent flexibility and power to facilitate automated drone control. The built quadcopter has an X configuration and uses a DJI F450 frame with some modifications. Interestingly, the drone has legs made of aluminum on both sides to help with smooth takeoffs and landings. The frame is 45 cm diagonal length and 30 cm vertical height. The drone was given an additional weight in a 15 x 18 x 12.5 cm box. The propeller used in this investigation is a 9x6 carbon-based model. The x2216 1400kV brushless motor that is being used is from Sunnysky, and it comes with an Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) with a 30A rating. A 4-cell 14.8V Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) battery with a 7200mAh capacity powers the drone. Apart from that, the drone weighs 1573g in total. The results are obtained by self-measurement and flight measurement data (FMU). Six attempts were made, and the results showed that the second flight had the longest flight time and the highest altitude. In particular, the Flight Measurement Unit (FMU) reported that the flight lasted 81 seconds and reached an altitude of 0.93 meters. In contrast, the self-measurement data reported that the flight lasted 85 seconds and reached an altitude of 1.5 meters.
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