History Students’ Readiness in Using QR Code Based E-Job Sheet
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.7.4.2228
The research objective is to identify primary history students' readiness to use QR code-based e-job sheets in terms of knowledge, experience, and supporting facilities. The research material consists of digital technology devices, smartphones, internet networks, electronic worksheets, QR Code applications, and an assessment of historical learning. This research applied a quantitative approach. Research respondents included significant history students at the Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri Padang from 2018 to 2022, including 140 students. Data were collected through a Google Form application questionnaire and shared with the students via WhatsApp. The data were analyzed quantitatively by using percentages and averages. General findings showed that many students were ready to use QR code-based e-job sheets, but others still needed them. The particular findings included: 1) more than half of respondents knew what the e-job sheet was, but two-thirds of them had no experience using the e-job sheet, 2) related to QR codes, it was found that half of the respondents knew what QR code was, but a part of them had no experience using QR codes, and 3) two-thirds of the respondents stated that supporting facilities such campus internet and their smartphone were unable to support the use of QR codes-based e-job sheets. QR code-based e-job sheets have become essential in optimizing digital technology in learning activities. Further research is needed to measure the effectiveness of using QR code-based e-job sheets as an alternative strategy and instrument for assessing learning outcomes in the digital era.
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