Development of Smart Simulator for Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) fuel system based on Quick Response Code (QR Code) for Learning Media
This research aims to develop learning media in the form of an intelligent fuel system simulator, namely electronic fuel injection (EFI) on motorbikes, which focuses on developing the addition of Quick Response (QR) codes as additional information from the simulator, which is connected to video on the YouTube platform. With the help of the QR code, it is scanned using a smartphone so that the QR code can be connected directly to YouTube, providing additional information about the Smart simulator EFI system on motorbikes. This research was carried out by applying the Research and Development method and following the Plomp model, which consists of the following stages: (1) preliminary investigation, (2) designing and making a prototype, and (3) assessment. The existing simulator was developed by adding a QR code, and the QR code will be connected to videos that have been uploaded on the YouTube platform. QR codes are created using the online QR code generator platform. Assessment of the smart simulator is carried out through a questionnaire filled out by media experts and subject experts, as well as through observation sheets during smart simulator testing. The research results are a smart simulator product for EFI fuel on motorbikes equipped with a QR code. Evaluation by media and material experts shows that the smart simulator is declared valid. Meanwhile, the results of observations during product testing show that the smart simulator can describe the characteristics of the EFI fuel system on a motorbike according to the actual situation.
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