Performance Comparison of GLCM Features and Preprocessing Effect on Batik Image Retrieval

Yufis Azhar - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Denar Akbi - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

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The use of the Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for feature extraction in image retrieval with complex motifs, such as batik images, has been widely used. Some features often extracted include energy, entropy, correlation, and contrast. Other than these four features, the addition of dissimilarity and homogeneity features to the GLCM method is proposed in this study. Preprocessing methods such as Histogram Equalization (HE) and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) are also used to see whether the two methods can increase the precision value of the retrieval results. This study used the Batik 300 dataset, which consists of 50 classes. Batik was chosen because this type of image has complex patterns and motifs so that it will maximize the role of the GLCM method itself. In addition, Batik is also a world heritage art, so its sustainability needs to be maintained. The test results show that adding dissimilarity and homogeneity features and using the CLAHE method in the preprocessing step can improve model performance. Combining these two methods has produced higher precision values than not using either. Batik, a globally recognized art form, holds the status of a world heritage, necessitating the preservation of its sustainability. Test results have demonstrated that incorporating dissimilarity and homogeneity features, alongside using the CLAHE method during the preprocessing stage, leads to enhanced model performance. The amalgamation of these two methods has yielded precision values that surpass those achieved when either method is used in isolation.


Batik; GLCM; Image Retrieval; Texture; Preprocessing;

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