Design of Tools for Visualizing Thermodynamic Concepts in Steam Power Plant Trainer Processes with Web-Based Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Thermodynamics is considered one of the most complex and challenging subjects for many students. This is primarily due to comprehending abstract concepts such as entropy, enthalpy, and energy flow, which involve complex mathematical equations and are rarely accompanied by tangible visualizations. This research aims to design, develop, and test a data-based visualization tool for thermodynamics testing results. This study collected and processed data from thermodynamics testing and simulations, such as the mini-steam power plant trainer used as a teaching aid in thermodynamics education, as the foundation for designing a data-based visualization tool for thermodynamics concepts. The visualization tool was created using the Python programming language integrated with the web-based Streamlit framework. The designed visualization tool encompasses various features, including automated data reporting, visualization of variable correlations using correlation heatmaps, Sankey diagrams for visualizing energy flow, and the capability to predict electrical output using machine learning integrated with three different machine learning algorithms. The visualization tool was evaluated by thermodynamics experts using a Likert scale. Based on the results obtained, the experts gave an average score of 4 in the information accuracy aspect in the good category. This shows that the information displayed in this visualization tool is by thermodynamics learning at Padang State University. In the visualization aspect, experts gave an average score of 4.25, which is in the Good and Very Good range. In alignment with the education aspect, experts gave an average score of 3.75, which is close to the good category. This shows that this aspect is considered suitable for studying thermodynamics, although shortcomings still need to be corrected. Experts gave a relatively high assessment of the Ease-of-Use aspect, with an average score of 4.5, with a range of Good and Very Good. This enables students to better understand complex patterns, cause-and-effect relationships, and parameter changes within thermodynamics concepts.
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