Development of an IoT-Based Egg Incubator with PID Control System and Web Application
The rapid development of technology significantly impacts various aspects of life, including the field of livestock farming. The advancement of technology is expected to enhance the rate and effectiveness of production, particularly in the hatching of chicken eggs or chick breeding. The existing technology relies on manual on/off systems and manual monitoring, hindering successful egg-hatching rates and percentages. Therefore, this research aims to explain the development of an automated egg incubator using a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control system with hypertuning parameters, as well as temperature and humidity monitoring, along with a protection system based on voltage sensors, all integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT). The PID control is employed to regulate the temperature of the egg incubator, ensuring stability according to the predetermined set point temperature. The IoT system in this study comprises an ESP32 node as a microcontroller connected to a sensor, using Firebase and User app for monitoring the egg incubator. The study employed PID control with parameter values Kp=10, Ki=3, and Kd=8. The research yielded time-efficient egg incubation and prevention of turning delays. The DHT21 sensor achieved a 90% success rate in detecting room temperature (38°C) and humidity (77%-84%) within the incubator, while PID control effectively maintained the target temperature. The ACS712 sensor accurately detected current in the heater, power supply, and motor. The Kodular application can display sensor readings. The future implication is developing a more adaptive PID method toward changes and nonlinear dynamics.
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