Enhancing Novice Developer Efficacy through UX Journey: Integrating User Experience and User Requirement to Develop Developer Skills

Wahyu Kusuma - University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Azrul Jantan - University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Novia Admodisastro - University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Noris Norowi - University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Citation Format:

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.3.1848


User experience and user requirements are two different approaches to software development. User requirements focus on meeting customer expectations and demands for software solutions, while user experience covers all aspects of software interaction with users. To increase the value of the software, the software must have usable and easy-to-use features with an attractive design or work environment that fits the user's behavior. Integrating software requirements and user experience can increase developer productivity by focusing on features that meet user requirements and expectations. This integration can also increase software development efficiency by addressing issues arising during development. This article addresses developers' challenges when addressing user needs and provides practical solutions widely accepted in industry and academia. Combining user experience and user needs into the UX Journey approach can increase developer productivity and confidence in software development. The design of the UX Journey is carried out by evaluating several existing design solution methods such as Design Thinking, IDEO, HPI, and Double Diamond to determine the existing conditions and needs for the problems faced. Then, by mapping the user, context, and domain, the model is obtained. appropriate. The proposed model comprises Discover, Explore, Test, and Listen activities. A trial was carried out on the respondents to test the method, and a feasibility test and an implementation schedule were obtained based on the statistical analysis of the initial user. It took 980-1500 minutes to complete the design solution. Focusing on features that align with user needs and improve problem-solving efficiency throughout development gives developers greater confidence in producing high-quality software.


User experience; user requirement; developer productivity; developer self-efficacy; solo software development; UX Journey.

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