Exploring Classification Algorithms for Detecting Learning Loss in Islamic Religious Education: A Comparative Study
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62527/joiv.8.2.1823
This study investigates the detection of learning loss in Islamic religious education subjects in Indonesia. Focusing on the effectiveness of multiple classification algorithms, the research assesses learning loss across literacy, numeracy, writing, and science domains. While education traditionally involves knowledge transmission, it also seeks to instill values. Given Indonesia's predominantly Islamic demographic, Islamic Religious Education (IRE) is pivotal in disseminating moral and cultural values, encompassing teachings from the Koran, Hadith, Aqedah, morality, Fiqh, and Islamic history. The study's central aim is to discern learning loss in IRE in Islamic schools, utilizing the Gradient Boosting Classifier as its primary analytical tool. Various classification algorithms, including the Cat Boost Classifier, Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Extreme Gradient Boosting, and others, were tested. The study engaged a sample of 38,326 Islamic Elementary school students, 29,350 Islamic Junior High school students, and 13,474 Islamic High school students across Indonesia. The findings revealed that the Light Gradient Boosting Machine was the most effective model for Islamic Elementary and High school data, while the Cat Boost Classifier excelled for Islamic Junior High school data. These results highlight the extent of learning loss in IRE and offer invaluable perspectives for education stakeholders. Future studies are encouraged to further explore the root causes of this learning loss and devise specific interventions to tackle these issues effectively.
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