Skew Correction and Image Cleaning Handwriting Recognition Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Handwriting recognition is a study of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which has a high level of complexity. In addition, everyone has a unique and inconsistent handwriting style in writing characters upright, affecting recognition success. However, proper pre-processing and classification algorithms affect the success of pattern recognition systems. This paper proposes a pre-processing method for handwriting image recognition using a convolutional neural network (CNN). This study uses public datasets for training and private datasets for testing. This pre-processing consists of three processes: image cleaning, skew correction, and segmentation. These three processes aim to clean the image from unnecessary ink streaks. In addition, to make angle corrections to characters in italics in their writing. The model testing process uses image test data of handwriting that are not straight. There are three images based on the inclination angle: less than 45 degrees, equal to 45 degrees, and more than 45 degrees. Picture cleaning removes unnecessary strokes (noise) from the image using a layer mask, whereas skew correction changes the handwriting to an upright posture based on the detected angle. The pre-processing model we propose worked optimally on handwriting with a skew angle of fewer than 45 degrees and 45 degrees. Our proposed model generally works well for handwriting with fewer than 45 degrees skew with an accuracy of 88,96%. Research with a similar scope can continue to improve optimization with a focus on algorithms related to analysis layout studies. Besides that, it can focus more on automation in the segmentation process of each character.
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