Feature Selection to Enhance DDoS Detection Using Hybrid N-Gram Heuristic Techniques
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30630/joiv.7.3.1533
Various forms of distributed denial of service (DDoS) assault systems and servers, including traffic overload, request overload, and website breakdowns. Heuristic-based DDoS attack detection is a combination of anomaly-based and pattern-based methods, and it is one of three DDoS attack detection techniques available. The pattern-based method compares a sequence of data packets sent across a computer network using a set of criteria. However, it cannot identify modern assault types, and anomaly-based methods take advantage of the habits that occur in a system. However, this method is difficult to apply because the accuracy is still low, and the false positives are relatively high. Therefore, this study proposes feature selection based on Hybrid N-Gram Heuristic Techniques. The research starts with the conversion process, package extract, and hex payload analysis, focusing on the HTTP protocol. The results show the Hybrid N-Gram Heuristic-based feature selection for the CIC-2017 dataset with the SVM algorithm on the CSDPayload+N-Gram feature with a 4-Gram accuracy rate of 99.86%, MIB- Dataset 2016 with the 2016 algorithm. SVM and CSPayload feature +N-Gram with 100% accuracy for 4-Gram, H2N-Payload Dataset with SVM Algorithm, and CSDPayload+N-Gram feature with 100% accuracy for 4-Gram. As a comparison, the KNN algorithm for 4-Gram has an accuracy rate of 99.44%, and the Neural Network Algorithm has an accuracy rate of 100% for 4-Gram. Thus, the best algorithm for DDoS detection is SVM with Hybrid N-Gram (4-Gram).
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