CNN with Batch Normalization Adjustment for Offline Hand-written Signature Genuine Verification
Signature genuine verifications of offline hand-written signatures are critical for preventing forgery and fraud. With the growth of protecting personal identity and preventing fraud, the demand for an automatic system for signature verification is high. The signature verification system is then studied by many researchers using various methods, especially deep learning-based methods. Hence, deep learning has a problem. Deep learning requires much training time for the data to obtain the best model accuracy result. Therefore, this paper proposed a CNN Batch Normalization, the CNN architectural adaptation model with a normalization batch number added, to obtain a CNN model optimization with high accuracy and less training time for offline hand-written signature verification. We compare CNN with our proposed model in the experiments. The research method in this study is data collection, pre-processing, and testing using our private signature dataset (collected by capturing signature images using a smartphone), which becomes the difficulties of our study because of the different lighting, media, and pen used to sign. Experiment results show that our model ranks first, with a training accuracy of 88.89%, an accuracy validation of 75.93%, and a testing accuracy of 84.84%—also, the result of 2638.63 s for the training time consumed with CPU usage. The model evaluation results show that our model has a smaller EER value; 2.583, with FAR = 0.333 and FRR = 4.833. Although the results of our proposed model are better than basic CNN, it is still low and overfitted. It has to be enhanced by better pre-processing steps using another augmentation method required to improve dataset quality.
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