Performance Assessment of QoS metrics in Software Defined Networking using Floodlight Controller
The quality of service is not the same in all parts of the network. Some areas experience a low level and others a higher level of fixed quality services. The shortcomings in legacy networks encouraged researchers to find a new paradigm of the network to obviate legacy networks' deficiencies. The effort to create network services is called Quality of Service (QoS). Software-Defined Networking (SDN) focuses on separating the control layer from the data layer, and their communication is done through a central controller named SDN controller. After separation, the data layer moves the packets through the network according to the commands it receives from the controller. The controller obtains applications (QoS requests), translates them to low-level instructions, and implements them in the data layer. In this paper, we create an infrastructure for Quality of Service (QoS) in tree topology using a meter table per flow in Software Defined Networking Floodlight open-source controller. Meters are introduced into the OpenFlow protocol version 1.3, which calculates the packet rates allocated to them and allows control of those packet rates. Meters are directly connected to flow entry. Any flow entry can determine a meter in its command collection, which calculates and supervises the sum of all flow entries to which it is connected. When we get statistics from the meter table in each switch, we manage the network and affect the routing algorithms.
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