Investigation on Java Mutation Testing Tools
Software Testing is one of the most significant phases within the software development life cycle since software bugs can be costly and traumatic. However, the traditional software testing process is not enough on its own as some undiscovered faults might still exist due to the test cases’ inability to detect all underlying faults. Amidst the various proposed techniques of test suites’ efficiency detection comes mutation testing, one of the most effective approaches as declared by many researchers. Nevertheless, there is not enough research on how well the mutation testing tools adhere to the theory of mutation or how well their mutation operators are performing the tasks they were developed for. This research paper presents an investigative study on two different mutation testing tools for Java programming language, namely PIT and µJava. The study aims to point out the weaknesses and strengths of each tool involved through performing mutation testing on four different open-source Java programs to identify the best mutation tool among them. The study aims to further identify and compare the mutation operators of each tool by calculating the mutation score. That is, the operators’ performance is evaluated with the mutation score, with the presumption that the more prominent the number of killed mutants is, the higher the mutation score, thus the more effective the mutation operator and the affiliated tool.Â
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